Rental Application

Banana Cabana, 585 Iao Valley Road,


Please fill out one form for each adult occupant


What date do you wish to move in ? :

Current Details:

Full Name

Phone Number


Current Address

Current Landlord's Name/Phone Number

Number of years at current address


Previous Details:

Previous Address if lived at current address for less than one year

Previous Landlord's Name/Phone Number


Number of Occupants:

Total number of people who plan to occupy the unit

Out of this number, how many people are under 18 and what are their ages


Employment Details:

Employer's Name/Phone Number

Employer's Address

Number of years and months with employer

Annual Gross Income




This unit has one car parking space only...

Driver's License Number and State it was issued

Vehicle - Make and Year

Vehicle - License Plate


References other than names listed above:

(Minimum of 2 required)

#1 Reference - Description(eg Co-worker, Previous Employer, Previous Landlord other Professional etc)/Name/Phone Number

#2 Reference - Description/Name/Phone Number

#3 Reference - Description//Name/Phone Number

Additional Comments. Feel free to add anything as it is always helpful:


If more than one person is sending us an Application Form, please help us tie the forms together by listing each applicant's name in the Comments box below...

Additional Comments